EV SSL Certificate

Wire Cables - Temporary (Pre Engineered for Construction Projects)

Wire Cables - Temporary (Pre Engineered for Construction Projects)


  • ANSI Z359.6-2016 Specifications and Design Requirements for Active Fall Protection Systems,
  • CSA Z259.13-04 Flexible Horizontal Lifelines,
  • CSA Z259.16-15 Design of Active Fall Protection Systems,
  • OSHA (Standards - 29 CFR Part 1926) and CE EN795:2012

Requirements using the latest lifeline computer modeling software. A horizontal lifeline system may appear to be a basic line strung between two anchors. It is not! Proper engineering is critical to ensure a safe lifeline. Typical failures involve improper calculation of clearance, no account for sag in the lifeline, misunderstanding of anchorage strength and location. When a fall is experienced on a horizontal lifeline, the load is magnified back to the anchorage point generating tremendous force. The amount of sag amplifies the forces on the end anchors. Other factors include the number of workers using the system, overall length, multi span, single span, and the material used. Precision engineered systems that have endured rigorous testing and meet OSHA and ANSI requirements take the guesswork out of putting together a horizontal fall protection system

PURPOSE: For fall arrest protection when working from heights

Each system Includes safety manual, Installation instructions, Fall clearance guide, Inspection log


                                    Horizontal-Lifeline: Questions or Custom Applications Contact Us       Engineering        Telephone Toll Free    1-844-930-9711

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#DB.7200691:  Sayfglida Removable Lifeline cable slider shuttle
Hands Free 100% tie off cable slider, automatically pass over intermediate brackets with this self l..
$1,053.64 $948.28
#DB.7240100: Evolution 8mm - 5/16" horizontal lifeline cable slider shuttle
Exclusively to be used as a personal connecting element to the EVOLUTION lifeline. Use ..
Call for Price
#DB.7400001: Securaspan I-Beam Stanchion cable horizontal lifeline system
The SecuraSpan I-Beam Stanchion is used as the end and intermediate Stanchions for Horizontal Lifeli..
$587.24 $528.52
#DB.7400008: Intermediate by-pass bracket kit for Securaspan I-Beam Stanchion
The SecuraSpan I-Beam Stanchion is used as the end and intermediate Stanchions for Horizontal Lifeli..
$77.91 $70.12
#DB.7400045: Stanchion with Loop Rebar Multi User Horizontal Lifeline System
Concrete Loop Rebar Applications, Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an an..
$848.00 $763.20
#DB.7400047: Stanchion with I-Beam base 6-12" Top Bolt Securaspan
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$592.54 $533.29
#DB.7400052: I-Beam base only for Securaspan stanchion 6-12"
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$337.08 $303.37
#DB.7400053: End anchor retrofit kit
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$1,114.06 $1,002.65
#DB.7400054: Securaspan intermediate retrofit kit
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$509.86 $458.87
#DB.7400055: Securaspan Stanchion with I-Beam base 12"-18"
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$606.32 $545.69
#DB.7400056: Securaspan Stanchion with I-Beam base 18-24"
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$622.22 $559.99
#DB.7400057: Securaspan Stanchion with I-Beam base 24-36"
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$667.80 $601.02
#DB.7400066: I-Beam base only for Securaspan stanchion 6-24"
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$360.40 $324.36
#DB.7400067: I-Beam base only for Securaspan stanchion 6-36"
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$490.78 $441.70
#DB.7400073: I-Beam Stanchion
The SecuraSpan I-Beam Stanchion is used as the end and intermediate Stanchions for Horizontal Lifeli..
$923.26 $830.93
#DB.7400086: I-Beam Securaspan Perpendicular Intermediate base only
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$268.18 $241.36
#DB.7400087: I Beam Securaspan Perpendicular Intermediate Stanchion with base
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$1,153.28 $1,037.95
#DB.7400089: I-Beam Securaspan Perpendicular intermediate by-pass bracket kit
 SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means for..
$53.00 $47.70
#DB.7400200: SecuraSpan intermediate bracket for Concrete Pour in Place
Concrete Pour in Place cable horizontal lifeline Systems and Components: The post's aluminum constru..
$120.84 $108.76
#DB.7400201: SecuraSpan sleeve for Concrete Pour in Place
Concrete Pour in Place cable horizontal lifeline Systems and Components: The post's aluminum constru..
$40.28 $36.25
#DB.7400203: SecuraSpan Stanchion For Concrete Pour in Place
Concrete Pour in Place cable horizontal lifeline Systems and Components: The post's aluminum constru..
$1,590.00 $1,431.00
#DB.7400211: SecuraSpan Clamp on Vertical Base Stanchion
Concrete Pour in Place cable horizontal lifeline Systems and Components: The post's aluminum constru..
$1,628.16 $1,465.34
#DB.7400214: SecuraSpan tie back base assembly with chain
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$726.10 $653.49
#DB.7400215: Stanchion with rebar / shear stud base with intermediate and end anchor brackets
PURPOSE: SecuraSpan Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) systems are designed to be used as an anchoring means ..
$851.18 $766.06
#DB.7400218:SecuraSpan bolt on vertical base for stanchion for Concrete Pour in Place
Concrete Pour in Place cable horizontal lifeline Systems and Components: The post's aluminum constru..
$1,144.80 $1,030.32
Copyright Horizontal-Lifeline 2016